Latest News
Ruby Sparkles for JOYFIELD at Royal Welsh Show
Judge: Mr Iwan Davies (CYSGOD) RAM, two shear or over 1st DANYGRAIG Valentino D&C Jones 2nd DANYGRAIG Wiseguy Heard, Garland & Stamp RAM, Shearling 1st DANYGRIAG Yoda D&C Jones 2nd JOYFIELD Yabba Dabba Doo Sally Shone RAM Lamb 1st JOYFIELD 1046 Neil Millar 2nd HAYDON 561 Haydon Bleu du Maine  3rd DANYGRAIG 491 D&C Jones 4th BOWBRIDGE 1681 Archie Stamp EWE, two shear or over 1st AVIEMORE Ruby Neil Millar 2nd HAYDON Viv Esl...
New Society Officers

At the Council Meeting which followed last weeks' AGM Sally Shone was appointed Chairman of the Society and Glenn Baird appointed as Vice-Chairman

Joy for JOYFIELD at Great Yorkshire Show
Judge: Mr Richard Pilkington (AINTREE) RAM , two shear & over 1st Mr Stuart Goldie 2nd Mr Ashley Pickford RAM, Shearling 1st Mrs Sally Shone 2nd Mr Stuart Goldie 3rd Mrs Laine Daff RAM Lamb 1st Mr Neil Millar 2nd Mr Tom Stayt 3rd Mr Johnny Stables 4th Mr Ashley Pickford 5th Mr Tom Stayt 6th Mr Stuart Goldie 7th Mr K O'Connor 8th Mr Ashley Pickford EWE, two shear or over, to have reared a lamb in the current year 1st Mr Neil Mil...
Have You Done Your Carlisle Entries Yet?

!Entries for Carlisle close on 12th July!

This year our show & sale will be held on the afternoon of Thursday 15th August with the sale on Friday 16th at Borderway Mart, Carlisle.

For further information click: or

Annual General Meeting

The Agenda for the AGM has been emailed out to all members with a current email address.

The meeting will take place via Zoom on Thursday 18th July at 7.00pm

Royal Highland Championship Awarded to Kerrie McDermid
Judge: Mr Simon Norman (HAYDON) RAM, two shear or above 1st Calum Cruden - 1985 RAM, Shearling 1st Sally Shone - JOY 862 2nd Mrs S McInnes Skinner - YY23 185 3rd Alex Radley - 2084 4th Laine Daff - 595 5th Calum Cruden 2938 RAM Lamb 1st Neil Millar - 1046 2nd Kerrie McDermid - 882 3rd Jonathan Stables - 3225 4th Kenneth O'Connor - 599 5th Sally Shone - 930 6th Laine Daff - 633 EWE, over one shear, to have reared a lamb in the cur...
DANYGRAIG Yamura Lifts the Title at Royal Three Counties
Judge: Mr Neil Millar (JOYFIELD) RAM, two shear and over 1st Mr Caio Jones - DCJ 219 2nd Mr Will Price - PJF 1987 3rd Mrs Sally Shone - DJF 370 4th Messrs Garland, Heard & Stamp - DCJ 325 YEARLING RAM 1st Mr Will Price - RSA 02943 2nd Mr Caio Jones - 381 RAM LAMB 1st  Mr Will Price - 003 2nd Mr Archie Stamp - 1689 3rd Mr Caio Jones - 3491 4th Mr Tom Stayt - 1154 5th Mr Tom Stayt - 1156 EWE, two shear or over, to have reared a lamb...
Bleus Top The Market at Bakewell

Huge congratulations to Jamie Taylor who topped Bakewell Mart at 420ppk for 39kgs Bleu du Maine and Millennium Bleu lambs!




Lamb Registrations

Please ensure that you have registered any lambs that you are taking to shows in the Bleu classes, it is a requirement according to our rule book!

Year Letter!!

Just to confirm the Year letter for 2024 is Z as there is a misprint in the Year Book, which hopefully you all enjoying reading.