Update from Your Chair, Sally Shone

Welcome to 2021, I hope your lambing is going well. This message has a horrible feeling of déjà vu about it as summer shows start to cancel and future events are difficult to plan but let’s be positive!

Becky & I are determined to be inventive of new ways to promote the breed. We are hoping for some on-farm events across the country to push the Bleu to the forefront.

The focus will be on the Millennium Bleu this year as we celebrate its 21st Birthday and the Society will continue to promote both breeds as best we can, in these extraordinary times.

This year will have a new look Premier Sale in Carlisle; re-branded as The National Sale, we look forward to holding the show the afternoon of the 12th August with a celebration afterwards, please join us if you can (and bring cake!).

I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel with vaccinations being rolled out at a rapid rate, we can look forward to a return to normality in some form.

Until then, let’s get inventive and keep our breed at the forefront as the ultimate dam sire, suitable for ewe lambs, crossing on all breeds and creating that bespoke, consistent female with the Millennium Bleu being the ideal Terminal Sire with ease of lambing, typey, heritable traits with a demand greater than supply.

Sally Shone ,Chair - Bleu du Maine Sheep Society  15th February 2021

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